where am I going to get some sleep where am I going to get some sleep this time light a candle, light a cigarette I bet the world is on fire I don't know… I know it's much too late I've been here seven hundred times and I' m well aware that I'm not likely to regret leaving them behind like this they came from underneath my bed they stood around me and said "lay back we're going for a ride" I said the knot was way too tight take the chair my spine can't wail all night pin my eyes I'm going to get some sleep my faith has been retired clean my suit I have to look just right I've got one nail left in me yet It's sketchy stop screaming I think I am dying, collapsing, kids barking "you're so jealous" will the girls still like me nine days from now they will paint my face and fix my hair like LEE God how I'm the envy of them all blame Seattle, blame the fake toupee It's all about to tremble so change direction I'm headed out to see this time