The catch, the Crux, the Rub (Oooh, Boys) I never got home ( Oooh, Boys) So now I'm howling all night with the cats (Ooh, Boys) in Jeru-sai-lai-yem (Ooooh, Boys) I kept my fingers crossed and my stomach in knots (life goes on when your money is gone) boys Doing whatever the hell I want boys Allways pissed off and never been caught boys till Jeru-sai-lai-yem Boys I met you running away from home (Boys) Just loving it all (Boys) don't stop until you get (Boys) to Jeru-sai-lai-yem (Boys) I been fettered, I been free (boys) I been fed up with what's expected of me (boys) but that's my own damn fault, innit? (boys) Jeru-sai-lai-yem (Boys) Irresponsible divine Never saving a dime All feast or famine, that's fine Everthing will be fine Idealist divine You're a terrible liar The trickster made this world This is the trickster's world Jerusalem boys. nerve divine (boys) skin blushing fine (boys) coveting divine (boys) jeru-sai-lai-yem boys