The Wolfgang Press

Hang On Me (For Papa)

The Wolfgang Press

I say my hands have played, hold me and never sing 
All mine is still undone, hold me and I'll hold you 
My hungry dream, my only saviour 
I send it to you [with fly] and keep winds bad at bay 
I sing my heart, I sing my heart 

He thinks he injures, my kindness still unpaid 
My time is all in days, my day has yet to come 
I come with you in my heart,in my soul,in my hand 

My time is spent in days and days are all know 
These days don't get to short 
My eyes have seen too long 
Maybe I say "hang on me, hang on you, hang on me, hang on you" 

Who said my hands are thin 
I say my hands have governed 
My eyes have seen too long 
I know it's been too long 
My mind have seen the days 
Soon this will be my day, my day in time... 

My heart did over 
My son will say 
My son will say 
"My heart did over, 
I keep wings bad at bay" 
I'll say... I'll say... I'll say...