Hey everybody Captain Ahoy there me hearties! Let's have a party! (Hey now) Let's have a party (Hoo now) Come on, everybody (Whoa now) Let's eat some party food (Wow now) Lie, la la lie, la la la la la lie lie (Hey) We've got a party (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (We've got a party) (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (Hey now) Things are moving (Hoo now) Let's start grooving (Whoa now) The food is baking (Wow now) Lie, la la lie, la la la la la lie lie (Hey) We've got a party (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (We've got a party) (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (Hey now) Let's have a party (Hoo now) Come on, everybody (Whoa now) Fruit salad (Wow now) Lie, la la lie, la la la la la lie lie (Hey) We've got a party (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (We've got a party) (Ahoy there, me hearties!) (Hey now) Things are moving (Hoo now) Let's start grooving (Whoa now) Moussaka (Wow now) Lie, la la lie, la la la la la lie lie (Hey) We've got a party (We've got a party) (I love to party) Captain, have a look at this great party Oh, it's fantastic, Anthony Look there's music, there's food, there's balloons There's everything Oh this is the best party we've ever been to! Whoo hoo hoo! (Hey now) Let's have a party (Hoo now) Come on, everybody (Whoa now) Souvlaki (Wow now) Lie, la la lie, la la la la la lie lie (Hey) We've got a party (We've got a party) I love to party Hey Captain Ooh yes Anthony Let's play pass the parcel Wow, that's my favorite game This music is great for dancing to Anthony It sure is Captain! Hey let's make a conga line Everybody join the Captain's conga line (Hey) We've got a party (We've got a party) Oh Captain take that lampshade off your head! Oh but it looks so much fun, Anthony We're partying now! (Hey) (We've got a party) (We've got a party) (We've got a party) Ho-ho this is the best party we've ever been to! Aaarr!!