The Wiggles

Do The Flap

The Wiggles

Here's a dance called the flap! Let's do it
Together, here we go

First you put your hands up
Then you put them down
You put them up again
And you shake them all around
Let's go high (high)
Let's go low (low)
Then guess what (what?)
We're doing the flap now

We're doing the F.L.A. p
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)
You put your hands up
Then you put them down
You put them up again
And you turn around
Let's go high (high)
Let's go low (low)
Then guess what (what?)
We're doing the flap now

We're doing the F.L.A. p
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)

Dorothy? (yes?) are you flapping over there?
(Flapping good!)
Well how about you, Henry the octopus? Are
You having a flap too?
(I can't stop flapping)
Oh, captain feathersword! Are you flapping
Over there?
(Ho ho, I'm flapping me hearties!)
Alright, let's all flap. The wiggles are in a flap
Too! How about you?

F.L.A. p
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)
We're doing the flap (doing the flap)
We're doing the flap now (doing the flap now)

Let's roll our arms up now
Then you roll them down
Roll them to the side
Then you roll them all around
You roll high (high)
You roll low (low)
Then guess what (what?)
We're doing the flap now
We're doing the F.L.A. p
We've done the flap!