Tom: D Written by Pete Townshend ©1971 Fabulous Music Ltd ============== transcribed by * ============== Electric: Tune down 1/2 step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Acoustic: Capo on 1 (standard tuning) [chords] (electric) (acoustic) Bb7sus4 xx4252 x13141 and x13144 Bb7 xx4242 x13131 and x13134 Bb x244xx x13331 or 13366 Ab x022xx (4)x1144 Eb 022400 or x(1)1343 or xx1346 022100 Eb5 02xxxx x(1)134(3) Dbadd9 xx0230 x43144 Eb6sus4 042200 xx1344 Gb 3x00xx x44322 Eb7 020100 [bridge chords; electric tacit (I've put them in Eb xx2100 xx1343 (xx1346; second time) Ebmaj7/D xx1100 x51343 Ebadd9/Db xx0100 x41341 Ebsus2/Ab x02200 4x1141 (Ab6) Dbadd9 xx0230 x41141 Fsus4 244422 133311 F 244322 133211 [Note: Leads are approximate. Leads are transcribed for electric/Eb tuning; chords symbols above leads are for acoustic/capo] |Bb7sus4 | |Bb7 | |Bb7sus4 | |Bb | | |---------|----------|--------|------|---------|----------|---------|----| |---------|----------|--------|------|---------|----------|---------|----| |