…IT'S A BLAND NEW AGE Killing the dream, killing the dream… Package cliché it all SOUNDS THE SAME Standing asleep, Standing asleep… Eyes glassed over by your T.V. SCREEN Marketing and research, it's all dollars and cents Mass produce rebellion in this bland new age Zombified by T.V like a science fiction movie Selling state slogans to make a name Wake up…it sucks…We're Stuck…NO WAY Wake up…it sucks…We're Stuck…NO WAY Wake up…There's no…Escape DAWN OF A BLAND NEW AGE Killing the dream, killing the dream… Package cliché it all SOUNDS THE SAME Standing asleep, Standing asleep… Eyes glassed over by your T.V. SCREEN Using DIY and dogma, you're a cut above the rest Nothing's achieving we're back to square one Dis this, Dis that, Dis image to protect With the fear of being judged, where's the fun? Wake up…it sucks…We're Stuck…NO WAY Wake up…it sucks…We're Stuck…NO WAY Wake up…There's no…Escape DAWN OF A BLAND NEW AGE This song has been played…IN A BLAND NEW AGE This song has been played…IN A BLAND NEW AGE Just think what we could have been…IN A BLAND NEW AGE Fuck it…is there room for change…IN A BLAND NEW AGE NO! BLAND NEW AGE!