The Weather

Mary Combat

The Weather

i know one day you'll be real, 
real sorry you had it your way
you're gonna feel it, 
feel it softly right in your gut, 
it's gonna come up with no luck
see it's changed, 
we're not just stealing, 
killings lives dead, 
we got bombs now that are peeeling, 
peelin faces off
is it their mistake? 
the children shouldn't of got in the way?
happy days are long, 
gone far away, 
and a quiet night they can't, 
they dont remember, 
well maybe at christmas time? 
or do we need to plant some more mines?
i know a guy who was 1, 2, 3 german, 
and in school he learned no pride, 
to hide your country. 
because you need shame to equal out pain
georgy boy, father beat you, treat you badly? 
or was it the toys? not enough? too much? 
i'm sorry but what do you say? 
lets give these people a break
not enough care, that's why i hide, 
i hide these lyrics in poppy songs, to disguise, imply their meaning at the same time. 
a subleminal mastermind