Sleeping in some hotel room Wondering if I can by a new life 'Cause living Is just not right Is just not right Sometimes when I dream at night I see people that I know I see people that I don't know I see shadows and I see light I don't know what it means But I think that it's important So when The summertime comes Just promise me now You won't be alone 'Cause it's a mirage It is a mistake But the beauty is real And so is the pain I am like the dark Begin at the Moon I am like the ghost dancing next to you I am like the world that never could be I am like you are Yeah, I'm almost free Sleeping under one big Moon Wondering if I can get by in life Without taking it from brothers, from my sisters and my cousins My country And friends I've never met Whenever I go out at night I see people that I know I see people that I don't know I see shadows and I see light I don't know what it means But I think that it's important So when The summertime comes Just promise me now You won't be alone 'Cause it's a mirage It is a mistake But the beauty is real And so is the pain I am like the dark Begin at the Moon I am like the ghost dancing next to you I am like the world that one day could be I am like you are Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free Yeah, I'm almost free I am like the dark Begin at the Moon I am like the ghost dancing next to you I am like the world that never could be I am like you are Yeah, I'm almost free I am like the dark Begin at the Moon I am like the ghost dancing next to you I am like the world that one day could be I am like you are Yeah, I'm almost free