It was the summer Of nineteen sixty-four It was the year For the rocker-and-surfie war His woman turned Into a freaked-out surfie girl And no longer his hotrod was The best, the fastest, the coolest, the baddest in the world So he got the boys down from the milk bar They rumbled down the road real fast theyre gonna get far Down to Manly beach but it wouldnt last Those surfies could not forget...Forget the past No sandcastles and no kids Were left around They'd all gone home Locked up safe and sound Wait till the surfies Til they stomp back The rumble's on And now its all out, its all out, its all out attack And now he's here Here in 1999 Its gone full-circle Around a few times He's still got his bike He's still a rocker But he's now too A malibu a malibu a malibu motherfucker Now so if you understand Don't be a shocker Know rocker is surfie And surfie is rocker Wreck to the twang Stomp to the sound Now lets get down to it And kick it, kick it, kick it all around