The capitalists and communists - they lie, they lie The activists and pacifists - they lie, they lie The Media and their social cliques - they lie, they lie In Education and politics - they lie, they lie They hold us down as children and they force into schools They force to obey the laws and then they break the rules They lie about the wars, about the names, about the places They lie about our country and they lie right to our faces Leaders and religious fools - they lie, they lie Preachers and the know it alls - they lie, they lie Police and military rule - they lie, they lie Conservatives and liberals too - they lie, they lie They hold us down as children and they force into schools They force to obey the laws and then they break the rules They lie about the wars, about the names, about the places They lie about our country and they lie right to our faces The pigs that live in Washington - they lie, they lie Wasting time in the U.N. - they lie, they lie The shows you watch the books you read - they lie, they lie Controlling everything you need - they lie