You've shut me out I found your souvenir Sand penchant, we shoot We shut up- like that. A pioneer, a debutante- enemy. Oh cut me down, or cut me off How? like that. And if you stare, Then you will see. Don't say no. Don't say no. Don't say no. Every little. Don't say no. Don't say no. Don't say no. Yeah, ha ha. Go, go, go, go. We headed down. Past the avenue I never ever walked on. While it rained, And i closed my hands, My rubber hands. Round your thin swan neck- Your brittle wrists Now- i know! Eyelids are off, Eyelids are off. Don't say no. Don't say no. Don't say no. Every little. Don't say no. Don't say no. Don't say no. Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey