He married young, all rather at his bride's insistence He played it dumb, walked the line of least resistance And paid no mind to this and that, no phony answers If we're going blind, momma's heart and daddy's cancers Turn from the rain for all the good it done you Turn from the rain you might as well have gone through But I'll try my hand at another one All things must pass that stand beneath the Sun Oh lord, oh oh He felt the truth wasn't known to him so I tried pretending And he raised the roof to see there'd be no happy endings Out in the night, waited all night, returned at seven But I tell you son, either way it dies, it will not matter Turn from the rain for all the good it done you Turn from the rain you might as well have gone through But I'll try my hand at another one All things must pass that stand beneath the Sun Oh lord, oh lord Turn from the rain for all the good it done you Turn from the rain you might as well have gone through But I'll try my hand at another one All things must pass that stand beneath the Sun Oh lord, oh oh Oh lord, oh no Oh lord