Conquest, war, famine, and death These are the forces that still draw breath The ride was long and hard All that remains are we, the vanguard White, red, black, and pale That’s what you’ll see, that’s how we hail And the last part is ours to play Now run and hide, it’s judgment day Never yield to the obvious and overwhelming Might of the enemy that you’re facing Invite the doubt into your heart And use it to level your Goliaths Never yield Come and see with your own eyes How they ride across the skies When giants enter your life you feel small But the bigger they are the harder they fall And as they stand in your way Find your inner David and have them slayed Too big to fight Or too big to miss? Too big to fight Or just too big to miss? Never yield to the obvious and overwhelming Might of the enemy that you’re facing Invite the doubt into your heart And use it to level your Goliaths Never yield Come and see with your own eyes How they ride across the skies Come and see with your own eyes The Harbingers of the Last Judgment