The Unguided


The Unguided

In the darkest hour of deceit
From the highest heavens
Finally released
One of the three thrones is now my seat
And on the traitors mind I will feast

Fear must go on
Overkill is underrated

When everyone says yes
I will always say no
It’s my laws
You will have to follow

Life is the longest journey
One will ever experience
I have lived for eons
But no patience for disobedience
If you don’t bend, I will break you
Whilst I blind you
With my blue eyes radiance

When everyone says yes
I will always say no
It’s my laws
You will have to follow
And I will bring order
To this shell shocked land
My wish will always be
Your command

Enough justice has been served
Enough justice

I am judgment
I am primeval
I take no prisoners
I take their life

Those who know
Do not speak
Those who speak
Do not know

Enough justice has been served
And fear must always go on
Enough justice has been served