The lands of hestonia Are burdened by dreams, madness, and rage The church of progression will stop at nothing To quell the heretical art A first agent of the church Both feared and revered And you will know his name He is Fate's hand At the end of all Fate's hand Will find the truth The cog and eye leads the way Fate's hand He knows the call Fate's hand Ordained since his youth No heresy will escape his path Everything changed in the lair Of the thirteen and with that anshada page But sanctity of doctrine must be maintained The infinite machine demands it An age of demons we'll avoid If the tome is destroyed And you will know his name He is Fate's hand At the end of all Fate's hand Will find the truth The cog and eye leads the way Fate's hand He knows the call Fate's hand Ordained since his youth No heresy will escape his path The infinite machine senses all of his wrath Magic must die to logic and math Behind her red sash Eyes within eyes within eyes By article seven of the doctrine her life is forfeit May the one God of the infinite machine guide us on May the one God of the infinite machine guide us on Fate's hand At the end of all Fate's hand Will find the truth The cog and eye leads the way Akas, feyr, and varsil fear my fury The prima heretica will burn By the wrath of Fate's hand At the end of all Fate's hand Will find the truth The cog and eye leads the way Fate's hand He knows the call Fate's hand Ordained since his youth No heresy will escape his path Fate's hand