Leave your troubles for a while They’ll still be there when you come back Time is always too short, for those who really need it Where no ghost is holy, only dead I’m just a soul attached to a corpse All species are equal But some just seem a bit more equal Even if it’s just the same debris But different protein structure Black knight satellite How long have you silently Observed our self-destruction Keep telling yourself Heaven is worth the waiting We are all stuck here On this boneyard of our own making Each day you live your life the exact same way And for some reason You still expect different results? Different results, different results Keep telling yourself Heaven is worth the waiting We are all stuck here On this boneyard of our own making It takes life to create life What do we do when it’s all gone? Aren’t you proud of this Boneyard we call earth? Tried to change the world only to find out It’s the people we need to change The people need to change The healthy have a thousands wishes The sick have but only one Listen to our planet’s screams She only wishes to be healed Keep telling yourself Heaven is worth the waiting We are all stuck here On this boneyard of our own making It takes life to create life What do we do when it’s all gone? Aren’t you proud of this Boneyard we call earth?