In bars and in restaurants In the cheapest Paris fairground Each night he is found With fury and handwringing Each night he’s singing Until he’s laughed out of town Jazz band goes jingle jangle Vicious monkeys scramble To show their crippled teeth all worn down He’s drunk and he’s obnoxious And then he’s feeling nauseous He spreads his faded blooms upon the ground He’s drunk on his nirvana Asleep at the piano In this crazy celebration drowns Jazz band goes jingle jangle Vicious monkeys gamble Shouting Merry Christmas and come on The musicians they are leaving Here comes the end of evening But he can’t even raise his head to frown And from the green fir branches A yellow angel drops down And says poor maestro you’ve lost your crown They say you sang the tango In the brothels dens and night streets You’re a sad and tired clown And up in the high heavens God extinguishes the candles And the yellow angel drowns