Well lady and gentelman, boys and girls You know what'll happen next I've got my prince, and few weeks of beautiful happiness And then the prince got ill and die of colon cancer Fuck. I found love, and it got cancer So I gonna hang around the shithole called no more Boys and girls I'm gonna kill myself like you will And I'll take that bitch stepmother with me Well it's happy ever after that's what we want But the prince got colon cancer fate takes a dump Wel it's living in a palace having tea with the queen Luxury youth and eternity that's the dream Life's a cunt Life's a cunt Well it's happy ever after as the sheets turn shit-brown The prince mumbles expletives like a moronic clown Well he might have been the richest now fear is in his eyes Now he sobs like a baby in agony does cry Life's a cunt Life's a cunt Well it's happy ever after in our little ivory tower Mahalma gandhi cut crystal and having lots of showers Intellectual artistic seriously The prince opens his mouth he vomits shits and pees Life's a cunt Life's a cunt Well, the prince he died screaming he showered me with shit He screamed you fucking crack whore called me a fucking bitch Now I don't live with a prince no tea with the queen There's only one thing I can say this life is fucking mean Life's a cunt Life's a cunt My mother died of cancer, prince died of cancer That was the end for me I just wanna to kill that motherfucking stepmother Kill myself, and kill all you And fucked of the cancer then I just wanna to be with my prince and my mother God, life's a cunt Life's a cunt Life's a cunt