Why do you do it Jack? Is it the power over them? Do you burn with hatred for the whores? Or are they the easiest victim? Or does your desire for blood drive you on? Or is it the look of gratitude on their stricken faces? Are you their long looked-for angel Who delivers them from this life? Do you think God will be grateful that you deliver the fallen? Will you go to Heaven, Jack Are you the deliverer of mortal sin? Feted by the angels for your work Or will you go to Hell, Jack For the filth and depravity of your work Taking a life that you have no right to Judging a life you have no right to judge Will you burn in Hell, Jack? Or do you think you're a hero, Jack? Or a sombre enforcer cleansing the streets of vermin? Are you helping society, Jack, cleaning the world of sinners? Do you pray Jack, do you have a crucifix on your wall? Do you kneel to it, exalt God, praise be to God, Jack? Are you doing his bidding, Jack Following His commands? Or are you possessed by Satan, Jack Is he your master? Are you doing his work, do you think you ‘ll burn in Hell? Are you the evil one, Jack? Are you Satan himself? Enjoying your crimes, do you go home and pray Or do you masturbate re-living the crime over and over? Lustful thoughts, are you mad, Jack? We know Jack, but do you? Burn in Hell, Jack