She’s so bored with her horse God’s so bored with her horse She’s in a hole for her horse she needs a divorce from her horse She’s got a hole a black hole she needs a goal for her soul She’ll use force a divorce from her horse a new course My horse has got a big knob it should do my names God God should have the very best a big knob and a hairy chest My horse is very hairy my horse is not a fairy My holes are filled by the hour by all that horse power (Do you get that, horse power hah) It’s the best horse fuck she ever had That little horse it drove her mad It stuck it’s big knob in her holes She’s gagging on it goodness knows But after all that carnal lust After that horse has thrust and thrust She needs a new thrill a new fix She needs something new to lick She’ll make herself a house of whores The whore of Babylon adore She’ll fuck them all won’t keep score She’ll fuck them all till again she’s bored