The skeletal hand of the fat-cat holds out the bleeding heart of care "We've got a job for you, son, if you can do it" "What's that then, sir?" "We need artists to whitewash the walls of history" I'm burning monkeys for the miners I'm eating uncooked meat Talk in tongues of silence with concrete around me I sing the ballad of the salty sea Backed by heavens choir singing with a upper class voice The waves are getting higher In the hell and high In the feverish heat In the hell and high Queens P.M.s Presidents parading through time Treading unremembered nameless heads down into the slime I'll beat you out your dying march on a tambourine of scales I'll stretch my skin out like bat wings and sail upon a whale In the hell and high In the feverish heat In the hell and high My head moans into a fever of hypocrisy and lies The circles on the water grow like rings around my eyes Old black midnight is falling In British hammer style They rub whiskey in my weals, force drinking camomile In the hell and high In the feverish heat In the hell and high This is the leg-room calling Captain permission to dance on the burning deck? Fire away, boys, boiler room… more steam Cheers, chief! Right swabs, let's start with the feet Get tapping feet Get moving to the mighty ocean beat We're movin' boss, we're movin' Okay, hips, let's see you swingin' In the hell and high In the feverish heat In the hell and high Blue rinsed old ladies push hate mail They push it through my door You say P is for poodle I bark and crawl on all fours My own life tale beats out It struggles through the gale I'll stretch my skin out like bat wings and sail upon a whale In the hell and high In the feverish heat In the hell and high Hey, backbone are you lot listening Yes! Then slip, baby, slip I stretch my skin out like bat wings