Charging down the field with shield and lance in hand Showing no mercy to your foes, gloriously defending your land doing deeds for the church, no idea that your being used While false charges are devised the Templar knights stand accused CHORUS Warrior priests, so trusting and so brave put to an end and left in shame church officials, like politicians always seeking pawns in their game.....their game Your powerful control over Europe is what they'll always desire being the biggest threat, you're put to brimstone and fire all the deeds done in their name, that doesn't really matter what matters is power and wealth, making their pockets fatter CHORUS 1118 to 1312 your grip is strong over the land we praise your warriors and your deeds and the tales of glory, so numerous indeed!....indeed! Now it's 1994, we remember your fate so well honoring religious bastards whose leaders now reside in hell churches act as factions, they use, abuse and throw away You'll never be forgotten, spirits in our hearts you'll remain