God, it never got easy, but it sure got good when the Business man came to my adopted neighborhood. there was a Bird i named frank, a chapel, a steeple, and a pile of Blankets outside of trinity cathedral. every weekday morning He would walk right by with a three piece suit, new shoes, And a tie. and this dead face, real hate in his eyes. in Such a devilish way he would materialize. he was put there To rob from men like me – from the broken down scoundrels That live on the street. so i prepared for his initial Attack; i said to myself, “henry, you gotta watch your own Back. you wanna make it outta here alive, you better learn To improvise.” so there we were: one morning at dawn, he Appeared at the church with the cold autumn fog, briefcase in Hand, walking towards me. so i jumped from my blankets and Sunk my teeth right into his ear and ripped it right off. Blood poured down onto his luxury watch. he ran away and i Went back to sleep, and when the cops arrived, man, i was relieved. I said, “thank god ya'll are here. this bastard in a Business suit just tried to rob me. and you know what? i Think he might have been the devil.”