Tabbed By: Belavista Man On: 30/06/07 E-mail: * I love this song, and the bass is pretty neat too. Here's how I've worked it out: G|--------------------------------------| D|--------9------4-7---------9------4-7-| A|-7-9-10----5-7------7-9-10----5-7-----| E|--------------------------------------| That is played thoughout the intro, verses and solo. The bassline is only different in part which, I think, could be the chorus. This is played there: (NOTE: this bit may be I had trouble hearing this part.) G|------------------------------------------------------------| D|---5---5---0---0---5---5---0---0----------------------------| A|-3---3---0---0---3---3---0---0---5--5--5--5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| E|------------------------------------------------------------| The notes played on the 5th fret of A are played one note per bar, but the 7s on A are as two notes per bar, so they must be played alot faster than the other notes. (if you understand what I mean, pm me XD)