The Streets

Get Out Of My House

The Streets

Go, get out of my house 
And actually give me back my keys 
I'll be proper angry 
You're not back later on your knees 

Look, if I'm talking to you you shouldn't be gawping in thin air 
You're so selfish but what about us, as in pair? 
I needed you to come over man, I needed you to be near 
I'm about to do something crazy; you'll regret this, I swear 
This one time I really needed you to head over mine where 
I was throwing up all morning it was all in my hair 
Then because I was so dizzy I almost fell down the stairs 
Like you always do, you know, you just don't fucking care 

Go, get out of my house 
And actually give me back my keys 
I'll be proper angry 
You're not back later on your knees 

Look, come on, calm down, it wasn't all totally like that 
You're over-reacting just a bit, maybe we can sit down and chat? 
It's just you know I had stuff to do, you know, this and that 
Maybe it wasn't so important as you being in the sack 
But I had to sort out my pills man, I needed to stock up my stash 
I couldn't do it any other day, I had to do it then, quick, snap 
And you didn't want me there last Sat so I left you on your jack 
And this Saturday I thought it was the same deal as last Sat at your gaff 

Go, get out of my house 
And actually give me back my keys 
I'll be proper angry 
You're not back later on your knees 

You don't care about my broken TV 
I sit on my sofa all day smoking weed 
I never phoned that bloke from the TV company 
So please don't be like this, please please please 

Actually now I think about it, what am I guilty about? 
I felt like I was in the wrong, I felt like I was the lout 
Oi, this is what happened last Saturday now, I think I remember now 
You were ill last Saturday and two weeks before that little bout 
You know I need that medication for my epilepsy now 
Or I run the risk of having a fit, you know I can't go without 
So when you being in bed is because last night you got pissed 
It's you that's being selfish, it's you that don't give a shit 

I'm gone, I'll get out your house 
I'll never be back again 
I'll still be 'cieving when 
Text me to make up and be friends 

So there you go 
Don't try and gimme that shit, right? 
'Cos, d'you know what I mean? 
You're not exactly...fuckin'..y'know..d'you know what I mean? 
It don't really matter anymore, d'you know what I mean? 
It's hard enough to remember my opinions without remembering my reasons for them 
You're confusing me now 
I'm not gonna give you an example 
I can't remember an example 
You do it all the time 
You know, that thing that you do 
I...look, I can't remember when you last did it can I? 
I'm gone anyway 
I'm never gonna darken your towers again, I'll tell you that 
And that thing about Femme Fatale yeah? 
She's fit, and she's fitter than you anyway 
I like her, d'you know what I mean? 
I'm never gonna meet her 
So before you get these jealous...I like her, y'know 

You can turn that off