Sharp Darts Spitting Masters Spitting darts faster Shut up I'm the driver, you're the passenger I'll reign superior The pressure blows the dial on your barometer Do you understand? Or do you need an interpreter? Now my style is distinguished All fires are extinguished Ask yer girl to sing and she'll sing this I'm a scientist Have no prejudice, that's my hypothesis Make your analysis, ever heard a beat like this? I walk the beat like a policemen No karma pedestrian In 500 years they'll play this song in museums I'm the bold adventurer UK's ambassador Holding up Excalibur Your beats are inferior Don't wanna embarrass yer So call yer solicitor The jury voted unanimously against ya! Sharp Darts Spitting Masters Spitting darts faster Shut up I'm the driver, you're the passenger I'll reign superior The pressure blows the dial on your barometer Do you understand? Or do you need an interpreter? This one's fat like yer mother Contains enough calories Resonating all your favourite frequencies I've got a worldwide warranty Satisfaction guarantee If you ain't happy then just Send it right back to me 'Spec to BC It's time to fuck loyalty One day I hope to earn some hard royalties From a bit of sample robbery Rook burglary, noise thievery Or wholesale piracy So watch yer back, I'm inclined to sample I'll dismantle and make you all examples Sharp Darts Spitting Masters Spitting darts faster Shut up I'm the driver, you're the passenger I'll reign superior The pressure blows the dial on your barometer Do you understand? Or do you need an interpreter?