The night was ablaze With the light of a thousand memories Your eyes were on fire With the light of a million stars The clouds went sailing past the moon Like silver-winged flamingoes And then he kissed you Goodnight. The eyes of your desert prince Had held you spellbound You could feel the full heat of the sun Across his back He dragged you to his Bedouin tent This rapid Valentino And then he kissed you Goodnight. You had tasted the fruits Of his privately owned oasis He had drugged your wine Massaged you with perfumed oils He drank deep at the well Until you fell back in surrender And then he kissed you Goodnight. The ceaselessly shifting sands Have erased his footprints You are left with his jewelled dagger In your hand Your face still glows with pleasure As you linger in the sunset Until I kiss you Until I kiss you Goodnight.