Mankind as we know it Will be coming to its demise The world in its current state Will be consumed by the unforgiving hands of fate You will not survive So don't struggle or stress Spend last moments wisely They will definitely be your last With what I have in store Sacrifices dearly noted But will be forgotten in due time With my beautiful mind I shall create perfection With these hands I will annihilate man The time has come to make fiction reality I shall swiftly take away the life that you have wasted To make it painless would slow the entire process So it's a sacrifice we must all bare This is not for the love of genocide This is for the greater good This is to rid the earth of poison Righteousness, terminate humanity Fucking pathetic humans We speak with strong condescension Our lives spent on improvement When perfection was a birth right The purest irony is the way we crush all between our toes Yet the simple truth remains, we are the pestilence The fucking pestilence