The Storyteller

Loss Of A Friend

The Storyteller

After a long and fearsome night the sun finally rose again to start another 
day. Did they all
make it? Was anyone hurt? Siam started searching the area in hope to find 
all of his friends, and
after a while all of them were found except his old friend Darek. Getting 
more and more frustrated,
Siam and his friends searched the area again and again hoping to find Darek, 
and when they finally
found him it seemed like all faith of the travelers were gone. Darek had 
been struck by a battleaxe
which ended his life in a very cruel way. When the warlord came for Kira, 
Darek came for her rescue
and together they killed the warlord. Unfortunately a troll was waiting 
behind a tree and before
Kira could do anything the troll had put his axe in Darek. With the last of 
his strength he turned
around and pushed his sword into the skull of the troll, and then fell to 
the ground never to get
up again.

So now it was time to say farewell. Together they lighted the fire that 
would take Darek to the
other side, to the land of the warriors. And then Siam said a few words to 
honour his friend.

When I started on this quest I had you by my side
And when you traveled by my side I had no fear at all
But now when you have left this world I feel I'm out of strength
I feel that something's missing me, I've lost my dearest friend

But hear my words I promise thee, as you walk to the other side
Your bravery has not been in vain, I promise you my friend

So hear these words I say to thee
I know the story ends for you and me
But though I know we'll meet again someday
You know I understand, but I can't stand the pain

So hear these words I say to thee
I know the story ends for you and me
But though I know we'll meet again someday
You know I understand, but I can't stand the pain

So make this journey without me, take your place among the gods
I try to stay strong and believe in the words, of eternity

I hope the fire treats you good, and the smoke will show you home.
I try not to cry, I try in your honor, I'll be strong for thee

But hear my words I promise thee as you walk to the other side
Your bravery has not been in vain, I promise you my friend