The Stevedores

Accapella Gumdrop

The Stevedores

Dark and early in the morning
In the middle of the night
I mosey round my neighbourhood
Cos it ain't all good on the north side of the street light
Such a long time
since the rainbow bright been a part of my life
but internal lamentations
of a night owl with a day job
working overtime, work the fingers
to the bone, to the bone, to the bone, to the bone
play the guitar, read some good books
you got a nice car and some sharp looks
if you're the kind of girl that I can tell you are
you can dial these numbers on the cellular phone
They go one chug bland-o,
Chugging at the jug with the handle,
Even a young Marlon Brando
Can't hold a candle to the chug to the b-l-and-o
You go 2 4 8 4 chugger's at your front door
You go 2 5 2 6 3 6 bring your
You go 2 4 8 4 chugger's at your front door
You go 2 5 2 6 3 6 bring your
Your dick tricks fix you got it
Whatever you need, you got the CB on it
Like white on rice
Like wet on dice
Like blind on mice