If only I could find the words to say to you, I'd be happy And a whole let better off Then maybe you would see that you really like me And then maybe we could get out to a movie Or sit on the moonlight Then I'd drive you home, you kiss me goodnight Not on the cheek That's not how i wanna kiss I wanna kiss you on the lips I wanna kiss you on the lips Cuz you're so pretty, so cool and i reaaly like you but i feel so dumb and lazy(?) Cuz whenever I am around you I'm on a different plane And I smoke a cigarrete an you just blow me off And I feel like "them" and i know it turns you off I wonder how it ever came to this just wanted to kiss you on the lips I wanna kiss you on the lips I wanna kiss you on the lips Cuz you're a special girl You're not like my grandma Cuz she's dead, and you're not And when i see you face i wish mine was on it Cuz I'd like to taste your mouth, Yeah! I would like to show my stuff If only I could find the words to say to you, I'd be happy And a whole let better off Then maybe you would see that you really like me And then maybe we could get out To a movie Or sit on the moonlight Then I'd drive you home, you kiss me goodnight Not on the cheek That's not how i wanna kiss I wanna kiss you on the lips I wanna kiss you on the lips