Can you hear the screams in your head? The cries of those who have no more salvation? Take care, they are around you, and for me too; Only expecting an oversight, a chance. Yes, they want our souls, our lives. There is no a third path, Only this, and the man on the cross The wide gate is the most chosen But behind it is that demons are waiting for you Yes, waiting for you! The scream you hear is that of your own soul It doesn't want... Burn for eternity. Your life, your choices... See, the way that you are taking. Because it will take you there, where there is no light! This letter is all Rant, preaching, advertising Or even a simple warning There is no a third way Only this, and that the man on the cross The wide gate is the most chosen But behind it is that demons are waiting for you Yes, waiting for you! La la la, you're lost La la la, that way you will not be able to save This letter is all Rant, preaching, aúncio Or even a simple warning La la la, you're lost La la la, that way you will not be able to save