Beneath the canopy of electric art 
False pageantry 
Beneath the circuitry we breathe 
And find ourselves still stuck 
In spaces in between 
How could one thing ever go so wrong? 

So wake up 
And scratch your eyes alive 
We're always 
Always needing more 

The beat's alive 
She laughs out loud 
Soft and in motion 

I catch my breaths 
On nights like this 
In hands that can't hold them 

She fights for sleep 
Over and over 
(and it feels the same) 
She fights for sleep 
Over and over 
(as the faces change) 

Buried in the dream 
She laughs like you 
You laugh like me and 
Sometimes we just have to scream 
Sister dear still stuck down 
In spaces in between 
She wonders 
How could one thing go so wrong?