Tom: B Tabbed by: Mciccone Email: * Tuning: Standard Capo 2nd fret (all notes relative) Ok it is played with two guitars so the timing has to be perfect but it isnt that hard to figure out..its a good song. Tab explain at the bottom *Guitar 1 play these chords in the very begining e|---0---0---0---0-----0-0-0-0-0--------| *This is the main struming B|---0---0---0---0-----0-0-0-0-0--------| pattern for the entire song* G|---4-x-4-x-4-x-4-----2-2-2-2-2--------| D|---6-x-6-x-6-x-6-----4-4-4-4-4--------| A|--------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| *Guitar 1 plays these chords over the fill e|-------0---0---0---0--0-0-0-0-0----| Play x 3 B|-0-----0---0---0---0--0-0-0-0-0----| G|-0-2/4-4-x-4-x-4-x-4--2-2-2-2-2----| D|-0-4/6-6-x-6-x-6-x-6--4-4-4-4-4----| - A|-----------------------------------| - E|-----------------------------------| - - *Strum down slowly* - e|------------------------0------------| - B|--------4-5-7--7p5-4----0------------| - G|-0-2/4------------------2h4p2--------|- D|------------------------4------------| A|-------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------| FIll 2 e|---------------------0-------------------| B|-------4-5-7--7p5-4--0-------------------| G|-0-2/4---------------4 h6 p4--4-2--------| D|---------------------6------------2------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| FIll 3 e|---------------------------------| B|-------4-5--7-7p5-4--------------| G|-0-2/4---------------------2-----| D|---------------------6\4\2-2-----| A|---------------------------------| E|---------------------------------| END INTRO | h - hammer | p - pull | h p h - hammer and pull slowly (second fill) | / - slide up | \ - slide down | x - mute note, play it by lifting your fingers to create a rythm IM to lazy to do the whole song its been a long weekend, if you want me to do it PM me (CMJPEC) or just email me at my email adrres at the top, im surprised there isnt alot peace