The Spacious Mind

Rider Of The Woodlands Excerpt

The Spacious Mind

Rider of the woodlands excerpt

The rider appeared out of a swirling mist of sand,
Said i've travelled far all across this barren land,
And now i'm waiting here to send you all away,
To where the devil speaks in tongues and there's no light thoughout the day.

You've taken what is precious and you've raped the fertile grounds,
You've sold the waters of the oceans and painted rivers brown,
You've erected steel and concrete where forests used to be,
And you've murdered all the people who had no chance to leave.

Well i'll soon be stating all your doings on paper with your blood,
And leave nothing but your dust to sink unnoticed through the mud,
But first i'll tell you exactly who i am,
And why i have returned with a golden bow in my hand,

I am two strikes red cloud little wolf and jesus christ,
I am the rider of the woodlands the bringerer of truth and light,
And if you don't think that's of great importence now,
Let me assure you i won't explain neither why nor how.

But as my tiny arrow cuts through your heart of stone,
And your western mind is dead and your body has its flesh scraped off its bones,
And your tyrrany is over this you may want to know,
I am the god the spirit the creator of the world you stole.