I hear the black forest's creatures And the thousand larvas haunting me I hear the black forest's whispers telling me The distant paradise ceased to be The flames of purgatory burned it down Only the endless field of hopelessness awaits Where the burnt carcasses wait to be grinded in the mills I build a barricade from the ashes and separate Myself from the world around me I make my bed upon the burning bodies to let The daymare swallow me 'tick-tock tick-tock' this voice endlessly clicking above The eyes of hours watching me It is he, who knew time, the time to wake For the coming of a new dawn when i can climb up his arms Higher than heaven, lower than hell, All over in this perfect nightmare I am building my future with the torment Of crucifixion on my face Sleepwalking through the sirens' Shore assembling the parts of redemption My traces draw lines in the bloody sand that no one can Cross or tear apart, there will be no lords or gods I don't know i'm dreaming awake or waking in a dream but Maybe who dream in the day will rise by o'nights - i will