The path is paved with gates wide open We slip on our boots and helmets Marching to the throbbing beat from our black hearts to The veins straight to the bottomless depths of the sick Silenced justice sliced to pieces Kill a man and you’re a murderer Kill many and you become a conqueror Kill them all and you will be god We are all just robots on the wasteland of life with axes in Our hands to cut down all the timbers worth to grow This imbalanced world’s order taints our precious moments We've just come to realize when we're stomping On the ruins of our lives Do you think the past is the wilderness of monstrosity? Merely a garner of all those grudge and animosity that Mankind bears since the flood (For today) With the burden on our shoulders We're just sailing from the Ararat Straight into ruination following the reckless revenge Of the captain crazed by divine passion But no one shall fight nature else the sea will be avenged Forty days and forty nights, the reign of rain We cannot escape The great flood has come, Sent to punish us and destroy our world Sharks sweep by innocently with their jaws locked like Coffins while they carrying us on for eternity This is how we stay afloat on the waters of requiem Where silence can’t be broken I hope one day the roaming Rachel will find her lost Children and brings us to a place we call home