The Sophomore Attempt

If It Was My Horse, I'd Shoot It

The Sophomore Attempt

Foot in my mouth 
I can't take a step 
Because it's all I can do 
To swallow my words 
And I won't cross the street 
Because the cars are flying by 
It's all I can do to save myself 
I'm not sure about you 
You can handle yourself 
You're a big kid now 
You can do it on your own 
It slowly slips away from 
It slowly drops out of my reach 
I kept it here to keep it safe 
What happens when it runs away? 
It hurts so bad to see it fall 
It's even worse to lose it all 
It's something that was meant to be 
I knew it'd break eventually 
It's something that was meant to be 
I knew it'd break eventually 
It hurts so bad to see if fall 
It's even worse to lose it all 
It seems as if it's running back 
It's going to back to what it knows 
A common misconception 
And it's headed for election 
A slogan's left to be decided 
You're unlikely to forget what I did 
One last time you'll tell me off 
And throw me off the scent of you
I won't forget the things you said 
It's hard to when they're written down 
You're words they are like gravity 
They cut me down and cut me deep 
And oh, you will go 
Down for the count 
A blow to the head 
You're better of dying 
The tunnel is thinning 
The light is reminding 
Of a time you knew 
And wish that you had back 
Don't give up 
Your hope's not lost