The Smiths

Bigmouth Strikes Again

The Smiths

Tom: E

The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again


    Am     Am7    C     D9      D     F/A    G9/A

Guitarra I e II:

[Intro]  Am  Am7  C  D9  D
       Am  Am7  F/A  G9/A


Am  Am7    C         D9     D     Am    Am7
Sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking when
   F/A      G9/A   Am  Am7         C          D9   D  Am Am7 F/A  G9/A
I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head______________________
Am  Am7    C         D9     D     Am    Am7
Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking when
  F/A       G9/A     Am               C        D9  D  Am Am7
I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed.__________


   F/A   G9/A               Am Am7      C     D9 D
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt, now I know how 
        Am  Am7    F/A   G9/A     Am  Am7
Joan of Arc felt,____ _____as the flames rose
           C              D9 D     Am   Am7     F/A  G9/A
to her Roman nose and her Walkman started to melt_______                      

Solo: by O.Schneider
com Capo 4 casa: forma de Em: Em  D   D9 Em  F G
Sem Capo é na verdade:        G#m F# F#9 G#m A B  na 11 Casa: G#m F# G#m A B

Guitarra I: Am     Am7     C     D9     D     Am     Am7     F/A    G9/A (4x)
Guitarra II:      
D|-----------------------------------------------------------------| (4x)


     Am Am7          C  D9
Bigmouth   la da da da da
 Am  Am7   F/A  G9/A
Bigmouth  la da da da
        Am  Am7                       C            D9    D
Bigmouth strikes again and I've got no right to take my place with the
Am Am7  F/A G9/A
human race   Oh, oh, oh oh oh
     Am Am7          C  D9
Bigmouth   la da da da da
 Am  Am7   F/A  G9/A
Bigmouth  la da da da
        Am  Am7                       C            D9    D
Bigmouth strikes again and I've got no right to take my place with the
Am Am7  F/A G9/A
human race


   F/A   G9/A               Am Am7      C     D9 D
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt, now I know how 
        Am  Am7    F/A   G9/A     Am  Am7
Joan of Arc felt,____ _____as the flames rose
           C              D9 D         Am   Am7     F/A  G9/A
to her Roman nose and her hearing aid started to melt_______                      




     Am Am7          C  D9
Bigmouth   la da da da da
 Am  Am7   F/A  G9/A
Bigmouth  la da da da
        Am  Am7                       C            D9    D
Bigmouth strikes again and I've got no right to take my place with the
Am Am7  F/A G9/A
human race   Oh, oh, oh oh oh
     Am Am7          C  D9
Bigmouth   la da da da da
 Am  Am7   F/A  G9/A
Bigmouth  la da da da
        Am  Am7                       C            D9    D
Bigmouth strikes again and I've got no right to take my place with the
Am Am7  F/A G9/A
human race   Oh, oh, oh oh oh

Até o fade out

E|-----------------| Acordes -----------------
Capotraste na 4ª casa
C#m*  = X 0 2 2 1 0 - (*Fm na forma de C#m)
C#m7*  = X 0 2 0 1 0 - (*Fm7 na forma de C#m7)
E*  = X 3 2 0 1 0 - (*G# na forma de E)
F#*  = X X 0 2 3 2 - (*A# na forma de F#)
F#9*  = X X 0 2 3 0 - (*A#9 na forma de F#9)
A/C#*  = 5 X 3 5 6 X - (*C#/F na forma de A/C#)
B9/C#*  = X X 7 7 8 5 - (*D#9/F na forma de B9/C#)