Everybody's telling me I'm so good And everybody's telling me that I should Get out of here while I still have the chance And everybody's got their own fantasies And they all try to push them on me While I sit idly, making my own plans And they might say "man, take it easy" but I just can't stop now I'm not as insignificant as I thought I was before Not gonna let you tell me "sit this one out" Because I've tried that before, and it didn't do me any good And I'm not trying to be better than you I'm just learning how to live And everybody's saying to me "hey man, this is the chance you get! And this Cleveland skyline's looking more pathetic Every time I look downtown into the sun So don't pass this one up, my friend! Here's an opportunity to make the end Come sooner than you ever thought it would" And they might say "I think I'm dying in this Midwest steel town" But it's just something missing in their lives I'm learning how to make the best of every situation And maybe in the long run it will keep me safe inside From all the things I've come so close to turning into I'll stop it all before it starts Hey everybody! Let's set the record straight for now!