Oh no, please no, don't do it, let me go Mister Probation Officer Oh no, no please, no no, I can explain Mister Probation Officer I was alone in my room I give you my word I was minding my own business They must have planted it here while I took a leak I don't even know what it is Never saw that bag in my life, you see I try hard to stay out of trouble Must have been some other guy robbing the bank Must have been been been 'my body double Oh no, please no... I was easing down the road in my leisure suit when I met two girls in a big car We drove around for a while, just fooling around Feeling like a rock'n'roll star Then we suddenly stopped and the babes ran away You must have scared them off when... You turned up with your false accusations I didn't know know know that the car was stolen Oh no, please no...