Street light shine on his cheap white suit Which he rented with yesterday's paper Get's on bus, goes uptown Watchs the sky flashing neon Thinks of the duke, and the count and the press And the music that they left behind Milton smiles, walks in the club Where he worked on the stage for his pay roll Milton, Milton Lost in time Disco sound fill the savoy club Milton sees but he is only a shadow Nana Way is on stage Dancers they gather before him Times they have changed But to Milton, they've stayed Just the same as they were in the frame Champagne pops Milton Bops The ground has no choice but to follow Milton, Milton turns back time Milton, Milton let it shine Hey, what do you hear What do you say Everybody ready to swing? That's great, because back from the back Where it all comes from Street light shine on his cheap white suit Which he rented with yesterday's paper Get's on bus, goes uptown Watch's the sky flashing Milton, Milton Lost in time Milton, Milton Left behind Milton, Milton Lost in time Milton, Milton Let it shine