No, we're gonna choose one; if you don't mind. OK, we're gonna do Strange Days Dream til tomorrow. This ones for Tubbis, our engineer; Two tonnes of prime Scottish blubber, right up . . . 1, 2, hello For she is like an empty shell, her mouth is open wide And should you get to close to her, you'll hear the sea inside Her voice is finer than the sand, a silent song of lies A man could drown so sweetly in the ocean of her eyes Deep water, grey my shade of everything today Below the waves, the drowning voices scream and say It's a strange days dream till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow Till tomorrow I sailed upon her sea of love for four and twenty nights I signed up for the voyage but she took me for a ride And when I crashed upon the rocks, she let go of my hand And washed me up like floods upon the shore, a lonely man Deep water, grey my shade of everything today Below the waves, the drowning voices scream and say It's a strange days dream till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow Till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow It's a strange days dream till tomorrow Thankyou, it's goodnight from The Shamen now Yeah, see you next year