On a tenement block, I live at the top
But it don't stop me from doin' the bop
but I can't get down to squeeze my alligator
"Cause some motherfucker busted my elevator!
I been forty days in the wilderness
Never had a touch of tenderness
I'm an armour-plated armadillo nature boy
And I can feel the pain and trouble o'er the jungle

I read about Nitzsche
I read about Engels
And I heard about the bourgeoisie
I know about the cosmos
But I don't know what the boss knows
Maybe somebody buried his heart at Wounded Knee

aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh! (Battle cry)

We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!
We're gonna Rock...gonna Rock
We're gonna Rool!