My Lovelies,  
Let the curtains come down.  
Let the rusty nuts break,  
And the iron heart gape.  
Till the oxidised metal-flesh crumbles to dust.  

My Lovelies,  
Remove this hanging corpse.  
Take this crown from my brow,  
And withdraw yourselves now.  
Let the pride-sticky sceptre shatter and fall.  

Take this crown from my brow.  
Remove this hanging corpse.  
Let the iron heart gape.  
And the rusty nuts break.  
Withdraw yourselves now.  
As the curtains come down..  

My Lovelies,  
Forgive me my sins.  
Those thoughtless transgressions,  
And misguided obsessions,  
That reduced you to memories and left you to rot.  
Reduced you to memories and left you to rot.  
Reduced you to memories and left you...  

To rot!