The Scourger

Chapter Thirteen

The Scourger

Faceless global leaders conspire 
To make a high level breaking system 
With the iron hand they rule 
Sucking the puppets of the grind dry 
Extortion and deceit for power 
Blind illusions tied with false conclusions 
Makes us rats in this machinery 
On our way towards chapter thirteen 
Without choices onward in the fight 
Soldiers in the whirlwind of existence 
Fighting against time and each other 
Apathy keeps you enchained and alive 
A moment in glory could be fatal 
When giving up is not an option 
And the weapons of revenge are sealed 
We are writing chapter thirteen 

Wheel of life, circle of death 
It's dark days beneath the ivory tower 
Razor sharp voices carrying up reality 
For the victims of the survival game 

Distress throughout these evil times 
Burns marks upon the striving man 
Scars of the mind unwilling to heal 
Will this slavery ever end 
How many mental breakdowns 
And rapes of the soul can we take 
Before the dawn of revolution 
Time to close chapter thirteen