Are you ready to die tonight? Cause you'll be dead a long time But only for a moment you'll be alive & I swear, I swear if you're right We will all be fine But say for the sake of saying That, per chance, we are right Say there is a God & your sins arrived At His throne & turned His face? What then? What then? Answer me, what then? Will you choose another argument? Since you have no greater offering? Will you move away from theology & talk about the origin of all things & life? Save it. Just save it Do you feel that? Do you feel that? That's the feeling of shame Covered up by a false sense Of I know best Sad existence If you are self sufficient then reach perfection Define it for the sake of this conversation But you can't Atheism: The opiate of the masses To say there's nothing after this To say no crimes will ever be punished Your arguments make up a house cards You want justice? Well Why not shoot up a school? Why not murder your family, too? Why not? Because it's not good? Says who? Because it's not truly fair? Says who? Because it's not out of love? Says who? Because you have no right to? Says who? Says what authority? You? Who are you? By your own reasoning, just another ape I struggle criticizing in others What I do often find in myself I grind my teeth, I thrash & I weep To be free of my horrible sin But if God can show mercy To someone like me then Surely you too can live Stop worshipping yourselves