I was wise, went downwind I hid all the evidence but then I saw you walking slowly down the stairs with your friends soon the dogs caught the smell and the detective found prints so I kicked, and I fought did all I could just to resist my dirty face on the ground a heavy knee in my back and I'm heading downtown with handcuffs tight around my wrists I was home free, and headed south I'd buy an island and relax now I'm, locked up, and staring out through metal bars at what I had it was airplanes and dirty vans and a confession to fog the air now your, hooked up with an old friend all I have this paper a pen and all these really good reasons to swear I'd erase, start again I see it clearly inside my head It would have worked under a different set of circumstances but my life's not a movie, I can never again live a day, in the past When we walked nowhere are 4 am I let my hand hang beside me hoping you'd get the hint But you didn't that night and now you're so happy with him I'm holding onto this spoon And I'm scratching at the cement When the guard's not paying attention I will tunnel through dirt and rock and under barbed wire fence And I will find my freedom In the sunlight, my freedom