The Riot Before

We Are Wild Stallions

The Riot Before

This is my life
This is the death of me
This is the air I breathe, the food I eat, everything sustaining
This is sabotage and it is poisoning
A blackened eye
A tired heart lonely
I will wake to work then work till sleep, dream a bit, repeat
I am cursed to debt, to lack security
But I am blessed to stand with you and sing

We have given chase to regretless days, disregarding what we lack
If it takes a million miles we'll find the time, we'll get that gas
There are moments I doubt it we'll ever make it back
There are times when I don't question that

My body aches
And my voice is gone
I don't know the date, the state, the floor that I am sleeping on
But I wouldn't trade this now for any sum
'Cause money can't buy momentum

We have given chase to regretless days, disregarding what we lack
If it takes a million miles we'll find the time, we'll get that gas
There are moments I doubt if we'll ever make it back
There are times when I don't question that...

...we'll get away with this.